Amitabh Bachchan shared an extraordinary anecdote from his past involving the King of Pop, Michael Jackson. During a recent episode of...
OpenAI is reportedly preparing to release a new version of ChatGPT, internally referred to as “Strawberry,” in the coming two weeks. While specific...
Amazon is making bold moves to elevate its AI strategy, with the company announcing a nationwide expansion in hiring for senior roles focused on artificial...
Putin is exploring new avenues for mediation to facilitate a resolution. In a strategic move aimed at diversifying diplomatic efforts, Putin has indicated that...
Kylie Jenner’s makeup line continues to make waves in the beauty industry with its latest series of product launches, further solidifying her brand’s position...
Tropical Storm Enteng has wreaked havoc on the Philippine agriculture sector, leaving a trail of destruction as severe weather conditions continue to batter...
Fitness industry continues to evolve with a range of innovative trends reshaping how we approach exercise and wellness. This year, the spotlight is on...
Enforcement Directorate has intensified its crackdown on alleged money laundering activities involving Amanatullah Khan, Prominent Aam Aadmi Party (AAP)...
Narendra Modi, Indian Prime Minister is set to make a high-profile visit to Maharashtra, where he will undertake a series of significant engagements. The...
Indian rupee has plummeted to a record low against the US dollar, sparking widespread concerns about its potential impact on the country’s economy. This...