Sedentary Lifestyle! 10 Powerful Ways to Stay Physically Active, According to ICMR Guidelines Living a sedentary lifestyle can have detrimental effects on both...
Toxic Principles of Dysfunctional Family Dynamics Family dynamics play a significant role in shaping individuals’ beliefs, behaviors, and relationships...
PCOS: The Urgent Call for Vitamin D Supplementation, Dietitian’s Critical Advice Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) affects millions of women worldwide...
Japan’s Housing Puzzle: Report Explores the Mystery Behind 9 Million Vacant Homes The staggering number of vacant homes in Japan, estimated at around 9...
Heart Health in the Post-COVID Era: Signs of an Unhealthy Heart and Tips for Improvement In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, concerns surrounding heart...
Heart Health: Harness the Power of Pranayama Yoga Exercises for Enhanced Blood Circulation Maintaining optimal heart health is essential for overall well-being...
Insomnia: Expert Tips to Overcome Sleep Deprivation and Achieve Restful Nights In a world filled with endless distractions and demands, achieving restful...
Rheumatological Diseases in Children, Unveiling the Harrowing Signs and Symptoms Rheumatological diseases in children can be elusive and challenging to...
Met Gala 2024 Promises a Sensory Extravaganza Fashion has long been celebrated as an art form that captivates the eyes, but the upcoming Met Gala 2024 is set...
Lifestyle Changes to Reverse the Ageing Process Ageing is an inevitable aspect of life, yet advancements in science and medicine have sparked a growing...